Garrett ......

Dallas Cowboys head coach called a timeout that cost the Cowboys a win Sunday. Sure Kolb avoided pressure and threw a screen to RB Stephens-Howling that went for 50 yards and ended the game officially. But with the ball on the Cards 31 yard line with 27 seconds left and 2 time outs, one would think you try to get more yards to make the FB kick a lot easier. Well not Romo and Garrett. Romo and the offense looked simply confused. Makes me wonder about Romos football I.Q. And also Garrett as the head coach. Thats the 3rd time this season Garrett just seems to have ZERO confidence in Romo. I think this has to have an effect on the players. I dont know how but it has to be frustraiting for Romo and the WRs. And i wonder what the K Dan Bailey was thinking . His own coach iced him ! And did anyone hear Garretts explaination !? As a Cowboy fan it leaves me just shaking my head. Garrett wasnt ready to be a HC and its showing. Jerry Jones probably is having one thought after a loss like that and it should be , Garrett ......